
Vena Budgeting screenshot on a desktop monitor.

3 Ways to Improve Your Business Planning & Forecasting with Excel

Excel is widely used for business planning & forecasting, but has limitations. We show you 3 ways to gain significant improvements with Vena Solutions software.

Laptop, mobile phone, pen and notebook on a wooden desk.

IFRS 16 – When Spreadsheets Just Won't Do

If you are involved in financial reporting, then you almost certainly know that IFRS 16, the new standard for Lease Accounting, comes into effect for businesses with a reporting period starting on or after 1 January 2019.

Illustration of a white cloud on a blue background with shadow.

Cloud or On Premise - Which is Best for You?

Many of our customers ask us the classic question ‘’which is better – a cloud or on premises deployment?’’. Realistically, the question they should be asking is ‘’which is better for us?’’

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